
Does Root Canal Treatment Kill Your Tooth

Does Root Canal Treatment Kill Your Tooth?

Does Root Canal Treatment Kill Your Tooth? Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that is often misunderstood. Some people believe that root canal treatment kills the tooth, but this is not true. In fact, root canal treatment can save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted. What is root canal treatment? Root canal treatment is a […]

What are the Traits of a Successful Dentist?

What are the Traits of a Successful Dentist? Dentistry is a demanding but rewarding profession. To be successful, dentists need to have a combination of technical skills, personal qualities, and business acumen. Here are some of the most important traits of a successful dentist: If you are considering a career in dentistry, these are the qualities that you should strive […]

tools used in a dental clinic

Tools Used in a Dental Clinic

Tools Used in a Dental Clinic A visit to the dentist can be a bit daunting for some people. However, knowing about the essential tools that dentists use can help to ease any anxiety. From routine cleanings to complex procedures, dental clinics are equipped with a wide array of tools designed to ensure optimal oral health and hygiene for their […]

what is a panoramic xray in milpitas

What is a Panoramic X-Ray in Milpitas

What is a Panoramic X-Ray? A panoramic X-ray, also known as a panoramic radiograph or orthopantomogram (OPG), is a type of dental X-ray that takes a wide-angle view of the entire upper and lower jaws, including the teeth, gums, and surrounding bones. Panoramic X-rays are used to diagnose a variety of dental problems, including: Panoramic X-rays are a safe and […]

how nerves work in your teeth

How Nerves work in your teeth

How Nerves work in your teeth? The Nerve Anatomy of Teeth. The human tooth is a complex organ that is essential for chewing, biting, and speaking. Beneath its hard outer layers lies an intricate network of nerves that are responsible for transmitting sensory information to the brain. The nerves in teeth are located in the dental pulp, which is the […]

what is a pulp cap

What is a Pulp and Pulp Cap?

What is a Pulp and Pulp Cap? The pulp is the soft, inner tissue of a tooth that contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. It is responsible for nourishing and maintaining the tooth, and it also helps to protect the tooth from infection. A pulp cap is a dental procedure that is used to protect the pulp of a […]

Dentist in Milpitas

How to find the best Dentist in Milpitas

How to Find the Best Dentist in Milpitas? Your teeth are one of your most important assets, so it’s important to find a dentist you can trust. But with so many dentists in Milpitas, how do you know who to choose? Here are a few tips on how to find the best dentist in Milpitas: Here are some additional factors […]

What is Mesial in Dental?

What is Mesial in Dental?

What is Mesial in Dental? The term “mesial” is used in dentistry to refer to the side of a tooth that is closest to the midline of the mouth. The opposite of mesial is distal, which refers to the side of a tooth that is farthest from the midline of the mouth. The mesial surface of a tooth is located […]

What is Buscal in Dental

What is Buccal in Dental

What is Buccal? The term buccal refers to anything related to the inside of the cheek. It comes from the Latin word bucca, which means cheek or mouth. In anatomy, the buccal region is the area inside the oral cavity between the upper and lower jaws, extending from the lip to the rear of the throat. This region contains important […]

What is a Lingual in Dental

What is a Lingual in Dental?

What are Lingual Braces? Lingual braces are a type of orthodontic appliance that is placed on the back of the teeth. This makes them much less visible than traditional braces, which are placed on the front of the teeth. Lingual braces are a good option for people who want to straighten their teeth without having to worry about their braces […]