What is Alveoloplasty?

what is alveoplasty

Alveoloplasty is a surgical procedure focused on the reformation and modification of the jawbone, or more specifically, the alveolar ridge. It is typically performed following the removal of a tooth or when a tooth is lost through other means. This procedure assists in the recovery process and preps the jawbone for prospective treatments such as the installation of dentures.

This surgical procedure aims at molding and refining the patient’s jawbone within the alveoli, which are the dental sockets. It is occasionally conducted in tandem with tooth extraction to enhance the effectiveness, durability, comfort, and steadiness of a future dental implant. However, it can also be carried out long after a tooth has been lost, and does not exclusively have to be done immediately after tooth extraction. The extent of the jawbone that requires restoration and whether tooth extractions are needed to facilitate the treatment both have an impact on the overall cost of an alveoloplasty.

Regarding aftercare post-surgery

Besides analgesics, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to prevent potential secondary infections in the surgically-treated area, especially if multiple teeth have been extracted. Additionally, it would be beneficial to rinse your mouth with a sterilizing solution, such as saline.

In the recovery period, it’s recommended to consume soft foods and completely avoid hot food until the stitches have healed entirely. You should also abstain from using straws while drinking, as this could potentially cause bleeding.

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