If you don’t have a copy of your insurance card today, you have Three options

1. You can email your insurance card copy to yourdentistforms@gmail.com for dentist accurate dental billing purposes.

2. Access your dental insurance card and coverage information by calling or logging in online. And get a copy/screenshot of your insurance card

3. Take a photo of this instruction for your dentist to have a copy of your insurance card and upload it on this QR CODE

Why do I need a dental insurance ID card to visit the dentist?

It is recommended. Your ID card tells your dentist the plan you’re enrolled in to ensure you’re charged the correct co-payment.

Why your dentist needs your Insurance ID Card?

In case your dental insurance denied your claim. Either you or your dentist can appeal to the California Department of Insurance. One of the supporting documents that



needs are copies of your Dental Insurance card.

If you have a dental insurance ID card, take it with you. If you don’t have an ID card, give the dental office a copy of your government ID number or Social Security Number. SSNs can be used as your Insurance ID card for almost every Dental Insurance.

Why do dentists need SSN?

What is more helpful for your dentist is your SSN in place of your driver’s license. The reason is that many dental insurance companies will use your SSN to process insurance claims. Some insurance will assign you an alternate member ID for your subscriber number.

Can I refuse to give my SSN?

Anyone can refuse to disclose their number, but the requester can refuse its services if you do not give it. Businesses, banks, schools, private agencies, medical doctors, dentists, etc., are free to request someone’s number and use it for any purpose that does not violate federal or state law.

Who should you not give your SSN to?

Please only give your SSN to people if you are confident they have a reason and a right to have it.


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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

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